DNA29 - Tohoku University, Sendai


Key Dates

Full paper (track A) and abstract (track B) submission      May 10, 2023 (11:59PM AoE)      Closed

Notification of paper acceptance                                                June 19, 2023

Poster (track C) submission                                                June 30, 2023 (11:59PM AoE)     Closed

Revised track A manuscripts due                                                July 3, 2023

Notification of poster acceptance                                                 July 24, 2023

Note that submission deadlines are given in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone (UTC-12).

Instructions for Authors

Electronic Submissions: All papers and abstracts should be submitted electronically using EasyChair via this link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dna29. Papers must be submitted in PDF format. We encourage authors to enter information on their potential submissions early; partial submissions can always be updated or removed until the submission deadline.

I. Submissions to be considered for oral presentations (Tracks A and B)

Authors submitting a paper and/or proposal for a presentation may choose between two submission tracks. Submissions for oral presentations can be submitted to one of the two tracks (A) or (B).

Track A - Full Paper: For authors who want their full papers to be published in the Leibniz International Proceedings of Informatics (LIPIcs) conference proceedings. Submissions to this conference will be published in accordance with the Berlin Declaration of Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, for more information see: https://openaccess.mpg.de/Berlin-Declaration. Additionally, submissions are also expected to adhere to the Core Practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): https://publicationethics.org/core-practices. Finally, submissions should conform to the followingguidelines:

  • Submissions to Track A may not be previously published or simultaneously submitted to another conference or journal for publication.

  • The paper is formatted in LaTeX using the LIPIcs-v2021 style. Please follow the LIPIcs formatting instructions found at https://submission.dagstuhl.de/documentation/authors. Papers that are not formatted using the LIPIcs style may be rejected without review.

  • Initial submissions are to be made in PDF format to the Easychair conference system, authors of accepted and revised papers should be prepared to provide LaTeX files to the publisher.

  • Each paper contains an abstract that briefly describes the primary results and their importance.

  • The main text of the paper is limited to 15 pages; note that this count does NOT include the title, authors, affiliations and abstract (the ‘title page’) or bibliography. An optional technical appendix is permitted if the authors deem it necessary to back up the claims made in the first 15 pages. However, it is at the discretion of the PC whether to read beyond the first 15 pages as part of the review process. If the technical appendix is 5 pages or less, it will be included in the proceedings.

  • Selected papers will be published in the proceedings, available as part of the LIPIcs series.

Track B – One-page abstract with accompanied material: Primarily for authors submitting experimental results who plan to submit to a journal rather than publish in the conference proceedings. For a Track B submission to be considered, it must contain at least 67% (i.e. 2/3) new content, beyond that which has been presented at previous years of the DNA conference, though substantially expanded work previously presented as a poster may be considered. Abstracts for work recently submitted to, or published in, a journal will also be considered. To be considered for oral presentation, submissions should conform to the following guidelines.

  • A one-page abstract: The total length of the abstract should not exceed 1 page (11 point type, single spaced, 1 inch margins). The abstract describes the primary results and their importance.

  • Supporting documentation: In addition to the one-page abstract, authors must also submit supporting documentation sufficient for the program committee to understand the details of the work and evaluate its merit for oral presentation. Documentation should be comparable in level of detail to a preliminary manuscript, a thesis chapter, or some other form of publication. Only the one-page abstract will appear in the supplementary proceedings at the conference. Track B papers unaccompanied by adequate documentation will be rejected without review. Authors lacking substantial supporting documentation are encouraged instead to submit a one-page abstract to Track C.

II. Poster submissions (Track C)

For authors interested in presenting their work only in the poster session, including research or projects of interest to the conference community. The abstract submission will be submitted electronically via EasyChair following the instructions and link at the conference web page. All poster submissions should be in PDF format and conform to the following guidelines:

  • The total length of the abstract should not exceed 1 page (11 point type, single spaced, 1 inch margins).

  • The one-page abstract should describe the primary results and their importance.

  • At the discretion of the PC, a small number of high-quality posters may be selected for short (10 minute) presentations at the conference. For consideration, optional supporting documentation is strongly encouraged to be submitted in addition to the one-page abstract.